I hope you don’t mind another driving-related Word Picture. Have you ever driven through an intersection and asked yourself “was that light green?” It’s happened to me more times than I want to admit.

I think what happens is we just react to what the car in front of us is doing. If they move forward we go too. Most of the time that works just fine, but what if the car you’re following didn’t notice if it was green or not? What if they’re texting, talking on the phone, or not really watching the road either? There’s a phrase for that, it’s called distracted driving. 

I sometimes think about weird things. So I decided to track how often I would tend to follow the cars instead of checking my own conditions. I won’t admit to not being as good of a driver as I thought I was, but let me say this:  I now try to watch for myself if the light is green, or if the coast is clear.    

They say distracted driving is dangerous.  I think distracted living even more so.

Distracted driving can cause crashes.  Distracted living can crash important relationships, take you down the wrong path, or make you lose opportunities or ideas that should’ve been yours. 

I never want my “Word Pictures” to be preachy, but to instead use regular things to give people tools for a better life.

The point of this Word Picture isn’t to make you a better driver, but to help make you a better “live-er.” by “being in the moment.” 

Being in the moment is when you’re not only aware of everything that’s going on around you, but you’re in touch with and part of the flow of life.  It’s how you can learn to enjoy the journey. It’s also when you go from being a spectator in life to being a participator.  To achieve your dreams you need to be an active participant in your life.  

Think of a successful person you admire. Did they get their success by just going through the motions, or repeated hard focused work?  People sometimes tell me “I want what you got.”  I usually answer them by saying “Thanks, but do you want to do what I did to get what I got?” People that go along for the ride, or go through the motions,  don’t usually have the kind of life you want to live. 

Sometimes life sucks, especially if you’re stuck in a “rut,” which is being stuck in the same routine day after day. Leadership expert Dr. John C. Maxwell said the only difference between a rut and the grave is the depth.

When I feel like I’m going through the motions, or stuck in a rut, I try to do something, anything, different. 

Drive a different way home, take a walk, take a break from some people, watch a different TV show, read something, do anything different to break up the routine. Try something you know will help you, like reading a book, working out, or talking to someone you like. 

While you’re doing something different try to think of something different apart from what you normally think or talk about. That’s where your best ideas come.  That’s where you can get recharged, or bounce out of a rut if you’re in one. Who knows, you may even find a new dream, or more purpose for your life. 

You may find that life can be a little more interesting when you try to be there for others, and for yourself.

You don’t always have to move when the car in front of you does.

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