(Complaining doesn’t fix problems, STRETCHING does)

Who likes back pain?

I messed up my back the other day. I could barely move, and was really feeling my age. I got to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore. My poor wife had to endure my complaining until she gave the wise command for me to see my chiropractor, who said I could’ve avoided back pain if I stretched more.

If I knew how much pain I would have I might’ve stretched before then. I do it more regularly now. I realize I hate thinking about stretching more than actually stretching. I don’t know about you, but stretching usually isn’t on my to-do list of the day. BUT OH HOW GOOD IT FEELS when you do it.

Stretching is uncomfortable while you’re starting to do it. It improves as you do it more.

Charles Atlas, one of the early fitness celebrities and a man who was in incredible shape, didn’t use weights – he only did intense stretching daily. I don’t have that kind of time, or commitment to stretching, but I now know the hard way what not stretching does. Stretching is the exact opposite of everything our society stands for. Or should I say “sits” for, because we are now a mass of people who watch life – on a screen, in a chair, on TV – instead of getting up and living life.

Do you know what I learned most from the “stretching” lesson? Just complaining about the back problem didn’t fix my problem: stretching did. NOT by watching other people stretch, I had to get up and stretch myself. No one can stretch for you – you have to do it for yourself. Are you happy with your life, right now? Do you have the job, income, or lifestyle you want? Do you complain about being stuck in a rut?


That’s the only way to fix your problems! You have to intentionally do something that might be uncomfortable to help you improve your life. Learn a skill, read a book (one of mine, please! hehe), do online research, watch self-help or self-improvement videos or TED Talks. Read my blogs, and watch and share my videos.

Complaining never did anything but irritate the people around me. Complaining about your problem doesn’t change it. Stretching does.

Why wait until you develop pain to stretch? You can have a better life by stretching now.

Bob Pelshaw is an entrepreneur, author, business consultant, speaker, writer of the Ask Bob
business advice column, and content provider for hundreds of jails & prisons nationally. Bob is a
life and business builder, and roots for the underdog, because he is one.

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