
Step 1: Get hired!

Hire The Formerly Incarcerated Campaign

The last 40 years have brought a 400% increase in mass-incarceration. At an
enormous societal cost, we are caging many would-be entrepreneurs and, and branding millions people with a stigma that will make it nearly impossible to obtain good jobs and become and return to society as productive citizens.
As part of our own going effort to create solutions both for those getting out and for the communities they return to, we launched the Hire The Formerly Incarcerated Campaign and continue to fund it from proceeds of our materials. Copies of our brochure (or permission to print in bulk) the Bottom Line Reasons to Hire the Formerly Incarcerated at provided at not cost.

Keys to success

Nearly 8 of 10 people who go back to jail are unemployed. If you want to succeed outside--or if you want to help a loved one returning to society succeed--a critical first step is finding a job. We can help. Our Great Job Interviews and Jobs is a free resource full of tips for finding and getting the job that can turn a life around.


“Corrections departments around the country have realized within the past few decades that their charter is no longer just to punish offenders and protect the public. They now have been handed the unenviable task of ‘reforming’ and ‘rehabilitating’ the behavior of their residents because 95% of the residents will be released back into the community one day. As the Director of the Department of Corrections in Colorado once said, “We are tasked with the goal of helping these inmates become your neighbors. What kind of neighbors would you like?"

Jon Evans,

President, Good News Jail and PrisonMinistries

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