I’m not a therapist or counselor, so I won’t be using any mumbo-jumbo or technical terms. I always try to cut to the chase in practical ways you can use to help improve your life and your future. I’ve sat where you’ve sat, I have an addictive personality, and have fought my own addictions my […]
An excerpt from the “Reentry Success Series” As humans, we are all shaped by our past experiences, whether positive or negative. Our past can influence how we perceive the world around us, and it can have a significant impact on our present and future. Let’s explore five truths about the past that everyone should know. Five […]
Ask Bob / Re-entry / Something From Nothing February 16, 2021
I received a letter and Executive Summary of a business plan from Alan M. of the Idaho State Correctional Facility. Thank you, Alan. Below are my thoughts and comments, which are useful for starting a business you start, particularly if you’re like most of us and short on funds. Until I married a graphic designer, […]
I know that many people look forward to going to a halfway house to finish their time. I do not mean to “burst your bubble,” but I believe the experience would’ve been better for me if I was mentally prepared for it. That’s what I hope to do for you with this article, share the […]
TO GET OTHER PEOPLE TO BELIEVE IN YOU, YOU MUST BE THE MAN OTHERS CAN BELIEVE IN, REGARDLESS OF WHAT ANYONE MAY THINK, SAY, DO, OR DON’T DO. This requires hard work and different actions by you. I’m not some “goody two-shoes” trying to tell you to do the right thing because that’s what your […]
PRACTICE. Practice makes perfect when it comes to overcome the odds and getting a job. Practice both of your elevator pitches until they flow naturally.
An elevator pitch is being able to make your case — in the case explain your merits as an employee — in the amount of time it takes to ride an elevator.
Word pictures are a tool I use to correct my thinking, and I’ll be sharing many of these here with you in the weeks to come.
I talk all the time about how information is power! Prepare to put you a step ahead in your job search.