

New Thoughts on an Old Problem

Now a decade past The Great Recession, millions of people around the country are still dealing with its devasting aftermath, even as new economic challenges arise. For too long we've done little to create economic solutions for serious problems, especially those related to economic fall-out. Coming back from a terrible loss, whether it be a failed business, personal bankruptcy or even a prison sentence requires dedication and determination. But also requires opportunity. This content is designed to stir new solutions for both individuals and for society as a whole.

Blog Posts

Word pictures for motivation, success

By Bob Pelshaw | April 2, 2020
word pictures

Word pictures are a tool I use to correct my thinking, and I’ll be sharing many of these here with you in the weeks to come.

Personal trainer: Your body is your billboard

By Bob Pelshaw | March 27, 2020
personal trainer

There’s more to personal training than just working out. A personal trainer has to be as or more disciplined with their time as they are with their bodies. Personal training requires you to convert your time into dollars because you bill by the hour.

Is innocent until proven guilty for real?

By Bob Pelshaw | March 26, 2020
Ask Bob _Answers

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Innocent until proven guilty,” but how many of us know where in the U.S. consistution it says it? Is the phrase a law or just something we say? Will from FSL La Tuna wanted to know exactly that: “Where in the United States legal system does it say ‘innocent until […]

7 Strategies for getting a job: Prepare

By Bob Pelshaw | March 23, 2020
Getting a job

I talk all the time about how information is power! Prepare to put you a step ahead in your job search.

Snow removal for lean winter months

By Bob Pelshaw | March 20, 2020
snow removal

Snow removal is a perfect way to earn extra money in the off season. You already have a truck or trucks, a phone line, and paid overhead to keep your business alive over the winter.

7 Strategies for getting a job: Make the sale to hire you

By Bob Pelshaw | March 16, 2020
get a job

How hard would you work to make the sale? Getting a job is THAT sale and your job is to prepare and execute to the best of your ability.

Details mean everything in detail business

By Bob Pelshaw | March 13, 2020
detalin business

Many people barely have time for a car wash, much less regular detailing, but with the love affairs of our cars, a detail business means you’re in high demand.

7 Strategies for Getting a Job: Getting a job is the job

By Bob Pelshaw | March 9, 2020
getting a job

Getting a job after incarceration is one of the most difficult challenges a returning citizen faces. Difficult – but not impossible! So let’s overcome the obstacles using my 7 strategies for getting a job. Since nearly 30% of the population has some sort of justice impact, more and more employers are willing to hire people […]

House cleaning startup: Under $1,000 investment

By Bob Pelshaw | March 7, 2020
house cleaning

House cleaning services is a great business opportunity if you like making decent money, like cleaning, and you don’t mind flexible hours or working alone.

Does early release lead to more crime?

By Bob Pelshaw | March 4, 2020
early release

Early release doesn’t increase crime; not preparing people for re-entry does. So does employers not hiring someone with a criminal history.