A frequent question I get from people about to be released from jail or prison is if there are any resources available to help them find work. I’ve gotten the question so frequently I decided to roll up my sleeves and make a list of each state’s official employment website.  This list also covers Puerto Rico & the US Virgin Islands. 

I learned some interesting things by checking each state’s official employment website:

  • Most states have a free job search tool. Some you must register for. 
  • Many states offer additional services and programs to help you succeed in your job search, like helping with resumes, or free training or instruction.  Delaware even has a program to pay for certain certificates or diplomas!
  • A few states have a free app you can download to help you apply for jobs from your smartphone. 
  • Make sure you look around the various links, as many lead you to additional resources, training, or job fairs. 

As a bonus, I included the national link to find the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) and Bonds for Felons Programs, by state, as well.  For more free resources, when you can, check out my YouTube channel “Bob Pelshaw” and my website pelshaw.com.

Good luck with your job search!

Job Search Websites: By State & Territory

For the free federal tax credit, and the Bonds for Felons program, find your state on the NATIONAL LIST:  https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/wotc/contact/state-workforce-agencies  

For more free resources to help your job search check out my free course Bottom Line Reasons to Hire the Formerly Incarcerated, available on tablets and at my Bob Pelshaw Youtube channel, social media, and my website www.pelshaw.com  

THIS LIST IS PROVIDED AS A CONVENIENCE and is subject to change or update without notice.

We recommend that you also check to see if your state offers any programs, resources, training, apprenticeships, job fairs, resume help, or more. Some states have a free app you can download to do job searches on your smartphone. 

ALABAMA: Alabama Works https://alabamaworks.alabama.gov/vosnet/Default.aspx 

ALASKA: Department of Labor and Workforce Development – Alaska Jobs


ARIZONA: Department of Economic Security https://des.az.gov/services/employment/job-seekers 

ARKANSAS: Division of Workforce Services https://dws.arkansas.gov/workforce-services/job-seekers/ 

CALIFORNIA: CA Employment Development Department https://edd.ca.gov/en/jobs/ 

COLORADO:  Department of Labor & Employment https://cdle.colorado.gov/jobs-training/find-a-job 

CONNECTICUT: CT Department of Labor https://portal.ct.gov/dol/Job-Seekers?language=en_US 

DELAWARE: Department of Labor The Division of Employment and Training (DET) can help cover degree costs, as well as license and certificate programs. To review a list of available Training and Education Providers go to joblink.delaware.gov and click on Training/Education. Delaware Jobs Board  https://joblink.delaware.gov/ 

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: DC Department of Employment Services https://does.dc.gov/services 

FLORIDA:  Florida Department of Economic Opportunity – Employ Florida


GEORGIA: Georgia Department of Labor https://dol.georgia.gov/job-search-assistance 

HAWAII: Hawaii Workforce Development https://labor.hawaii.gov/wdd/ 

IDAHO: Idaho Works https://idahoworks.gov/job_seeker 

ILLINOIS: Illinois Department of Employment Security     https://ides.illinois.gov/jobs-workforce.html 

INDIANA: Indiana Department of Workforce Development https://www.in.gov/dwd/job-seekers/ 

IOWA: Iowa Workforce Development https://www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov/

Iowa Works (jobs board) https://www.iowaworks.gov/vosnet/Default.aspx 

KANSAS: Kansas Department of Commerce – Kansas Works    https://www.kansasworks.com/ 

KENTUCKY: Kentucky Career Center https://focuscareer.ky.gov/careerexplorer/jobsearch/searchjobpostings 

LOUISIANA: Louisiana Workforce Commission 

Go to https://www.laworks.net/ and select something under “Job Seekers” to get to the services section. You will need to register before you can use services, but it’s free. 

MAINE: Maine Career Center https://www.mainecareercenter.gov/jobseekers/index.shtml 

Maine JobLink https://joblink.maine.gov/ 

MARYLAND: Department of Labor http://www.dllr.state.md.us/employment/jobseekers.shtml 

MASSACHUSETTS: Job Seeker Services http://www.dllr.state.md.us/employment/jobseekers.shtml 

Department of Career Services – MassHire Job Quest https://jobquest.dcs.eol.mass.gov/jobquest/LandingPage.aspx 

MICHIGAN: Michigan Talent Connect (check both sites below)



MINNESOTA: Employment and Economic Development (check both sites below)



MISSISSIPPI: MS Department of Employment Security

https://mdes.ms.gov/i-need-a-job/   scroll down to Search For a Job 

MISSOURI: Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development

https://jobs.mo.gov/jobseeker  and  MOJOBS


MONTANA: Department of Labor & Industry, Workforce Services Division https://wsd.dli.mt.gov/  Select “job seeker” and then click the option you want to explore.  The job search is listed here also. 

NEBRASKA: NEWorks https://neworks.nebraska.gov/vosnet/Default.aspx 

NEVADA: Department of Employment Security – Nevada Job Connect https://nevadajobconnect.com/# Select “Job Seekers” tab

NEW HAMPSHIRE: NH Dept. of Employment Security https://www.nhes.nh.gov/index.htm For job searches https://business.nh.gov/NHESJobSearch/ 

NEW JERSEY: Department of Labor & Workforce Development https://www.nj.gov/labor/career-services/ 

NEW MEXICO: NM Workforce Development https://www.jobs.state.nm.us/vosnet/Default.aspx 

NEW YORK: Department of Labor https://dol.ny.gov/jobs-and-careers 

NORTH CAROLINA: Department of Commerce www.nccommerce.com/jobs-training/resources-job-seekers and also check NC Works, and download their free app to help you search for jobs on the phone www.ncworks.gov/vosnet/Default.aspx 

NORTH DAKOTA: North Dakota Job Service https://www.jobsnd.com/job-seeker

OHIO: Ohio Jobs and Family Services https://jfs.ohio.gov/owd/JobSeekers/index.stm 

Also check their jobs board https://ohiomeansjobs.ohio.gov/ 

OKLAHOMA: OK Employment Security Commission https://okjobmatch.com/ 

OREGON: Oregon Employment Dept.  www.oregon.gov/employ/jobseekers/Pages/default.aspx 

Also check out Work Source Oregon https://worksourceoregon.org/jobseekers 

PENNSYLVANIA: Department of Labor & Industry    PA CareerLink  www.pacareerlink.pa.gov/jponline/ 

PUERTO RICO: Departmento Del Trabajo https://www.mercadolaboral.pr.gov/ 

RHODE ISLAND: Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training

https://dlt.ri.gov/individuals also check EmployRI https://www.employri.org/ 

SOUTH CAROLINA: SC Dept.  of Employment and Workforce Development

https://www.dew.sc.gov/individuals/find-job   They can help with a resume, training, and more!

SC Works Online https://jobs.scworks.org/vosnet/Default.aspx 

SOUTH DAKOTA: SD Department of Labor and Regulation


Scroll down for the Job Search site or go to https://www.southdakotaworks.org/vosnet/Default.aspx 

TENNESSEE: TN Department of Labor & Workforce Development JOBS4TN


You can register for free, and download their app to do easy job searches on your smartphone

TEXAS: Texas Workforce Commission https://www.twc.texas.gov/jobseekers/job-search 

Scroll down and look at the links MY TX CAREER and WORKIN in TEXAS

UTAH: UT Department of Workforce Services    https://jobs.utah.gov/jobseeker/index.html 

Also check the Job Search Tools link https://jobs.utah.gov/jobseeker/js.html 

And scroll down to JOB SEARCH WEBSITES

VERMONT:Vermont Department of Labor   https://labor.vermont.gov/workforce-development 

Vermont Job Link https://www.vermontjoblink.com/search/jobs 

VIRGIN ISLANDS: US Virgin Islands Department of Labor Job Search

https://www.vidol.gov/search-for-jobs/ looks for “click here to search for jobs” which takes you to this website https://www.vidolviews.org/vosnet/Default.aspx 

VIRGINIA: Virginia Employment Commission https://vawc.virginia.gov/vosnet/Default.aspx 

VA Workforce Connection https://vawc.virginia.gov/vosnet/JobBanks/JobSearchCriteriaQuick.aspx 

WASHINGTON: Employment Security Department      https://esd.wa.gov/jobs-and-training 

WorkSource Washington https://seeker.worksourcewa.com/ 

WEST VIRGINIA: Workforce West Virginia https://workforcewv.org/job-seekers 

Click “find a job” and follow the instructions to register, for free, for their job search system

WISCONSIN: Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development 

https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/det/jobseeker.htm look at the other services they offer

Job Center of Wisconsin has free job searches, plus resume building, and other assistance for free


WYOMING: Wyoming Workforce Services https://dws.wyo.gov/job-seekers-workers-businesses/ 

Scroll down under RESOURCES FOR JOB SEEKERS AND WORKERS and look for and click WOTC for a free tax credit you can offer an employer to hire you. 

www.wyomingatwork.com/ is the job search portal.  You can also do their website in Spanish  

© 2022 Pelshaw Group, Inc. Used with permission.

Ask Bob is an advice column by Bob Pelshaw, formerly incarcerated citizen, successful entrepreneur, speaker, and author of the award-winning Illegal to Legal: Business Success for the (Formerly) Incarcerated. (Book and workbook available on Amazon). Bob also provides content to Edovo, GTL, PayTel, and jails and prisons nationally.

Ask Bob answers questions about life, successful re-entry, starting a business and entrepreneurship, and most anything that adds value, except the column does not cover legal issues, sentencing matters, or case issues. To ask Bob a question, write to him at:


c/o Pelshaw Group, Inc. 

PO Box 460671

Papillion, NE 68046

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