Is “Diversity & Inclusion” a fad, or is it with us to stay? Is it needed? Is it fair?

I have a unique experience with D&I. I’m half Mexican and half Polish. Growing up in our working-class South Omaha neighborhood I was too brown for the white kids and too white for the other Hispanics/Latinos. I didn’t fit it, and spent much of my life trying to prove I belonged or could be accepted.

Even though I was the youngest I was the first to conventionally graduate high school, first to go to college, and the first to become successfully self-employed. The funny thing is being educated and successful most people assume I’m white. Some are surprised that I’m not white, especially since I don’t have a Mexican surname. (Like that’s an indication of anything anymore).

I don’t have a chip on my shoulder, but what would you do if this happened to you:

On my first day of work, on my first job after college, working for the City of Omaha Public Works Department, the first thing my new boss told me was “You weren’t my first or second choice but you’re the minority so I had to hire you.”

Part of me was mad. Because out of the 200+ applicants, I knew there was less than 1% difference between the top 5 applicants, and as #3 I earned the right to be considered for the job. Yes I earned my way in, and yes I kept the job after learning my circumstances for being there. I could’ve reacted two ways: I could’ve made a Federal case out of it, or I could use my skills to prove I was the right hire.

I realized my new boss was ignorant. I don’t mean that as an insult, even though it would be easy to insult him after what he said. I simply mean he didn’t know my story or worth. Getting him reprimanded won’t change his thoughts or opinions, or how he treats the next new hire. He needed to see we people of color have worth, and are worth investing in.

We need diversity & inclusion, at least for the next 20 + years.

The Department of Commerce projects that by 2045 the majority of the United States population will be we people of color. Currently we people of color have disproportionately low numbers of business owners, self-employed people, college graduates, number of millionaires.Basically, we are behind the curve on every major economic success metric there is.

Don’t feel sorry for us. Instead, unless you want a country with lower Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and lower standards of living for all, just help us grow past the conditions that kept us down in the past.  Not a “hand out” or entitlements but true opportunities.

For me D&I should be about creating equal conditions. This would ensure we can work to achieve, belong, succeed, and bring some others along the way. Don’t forget about bringing other under-represented groups too. For example, formerly incarcerated citizens, small businesses, those with disabilities, different beliefs or lifestyles, or anyone different from the norm.

You may be thinking “I didn’t hold you back, so why should I support D&I?” Don’t you want to make our country better, for everyone? 

Let’s put some serious effort into this: 2045 is barely a generation away. What are we doing now through D&I to build the country we want our kids to live in?    

I haven’t answered if diversity & inclusion is fair. Would it be fair to not have it?

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