Lee H. from Maine State Prison asked, “Bob, can I become a plumber or electrician with my felony? If so, how?” The good news is your felony won’t keep you from getting a plumbing or electrician license, assuming there’s not something in your sentence specifically restricting you from those things. Most construction trades have so […]
Entrepreneurs / Something From Nothing / Uncategorized March 19, 2021
My first business didn’t require money, business cards, or a website. I was 8 years old, and tired of eating popcorn, or noodles with butter, at the end of the month before the food stamps or welfare check came. This is the first time I applied the “something from nothing” lesson my Mom taught me. […]
I received a letter and Executive Summary of a business plan from Alan M. of the Idaho State Correctional Center. Thank you, Alan, because you’ve inspired two “Ask Bobs.” (This one, and “Tips for a Good Business Plan,” which is coming soon). Alan’s thoughtful letter boiled down to a critical question: How do I start […]