In our fast-paced information age, people want to get to the point, which an elevator pitch is great for.

An elevator pitch is a SHORT and CONVINCING way to explain something, designed to be relayed in about the same time as it takes to ride an elevator; usually less than 75 words long, more or less.

A good elevator pitch connects your message with whomever you’re sharing it with and can be used in social situations, like when at a party you’re asked “what do you do?” or when applying for jobs or in job interviews or overall, when you’re trying to “sell” yourself, an item or an idea. 

Your pitch should:

  • Sound natural, not rehearsed, even though you should practice it.  
  • Be in your own words.
  • Not spoken too fast.

According to the employment website an elevator pitch should include:

  • WHO are you?
  • WHAT do you do?
  • WHAT do you want?

They recommend four steps: 

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. Give a summary of what you do.
  3. Explain what you want.
  4. Finish with a call to action, or an “ask.” 

The elevator pitch helps you:

  • Present facts in the most positive way. 
  • In whatever situation you need to use persuasion to gain support or acceptance from others.
  • Gain confidence and respect.
  • Keep you focused.
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