Nothing gets headlines like guns, and few things get a reaction like laws giving gun rights to felons. Put the two together and you get, well, explosive coverage. That may well have been the intent of Republican Colorado Rep. Ken Buck, whose bill to give felons the opportunity to restore their Second Amendment rights passed […]
We at TAP-X are always looking for ways to help inmates thrive, improve their quality of life, and prepare for successful reentry. Books ranked within the top five items to help an inmate. While many prisons have libraries, most are filled with outdated and worn out material. Many prisoners and their families don’t have access […]
I was appalled to read that prisons are still banning some books for incarcerated citizens. Courts have said that prisons can censure items that are deemed to be a serious threat to security. I’ve got news for you: most folks reading books aren’t security or disciplinary risks, in fact, reading can reduce recidivism! I can […]
Your past, your life experience, is like the fuel in the Space Shuttle. If the fuel is properly used it can propel you into orbit, your destiny. If the fuel is improperly used it becomes dangerous, explosive, and can destroy the Shuttle. If the fuel is unused it weighs you down and keeps you stuck on the launch pad.
I’m ashamed to say that as an employer, before becoming a felon, I refused to hire anyone with a criminal record, regardless of what the position was and whether the criminal history was relevant to the job. It’s amazing what serving a prison sentence does to your perspective. Now I openly advocate for hiring returning […]